The hardest thing a teen will go through is finding themselves. It is a battle that everyone goes through. Without that knowledge, they feel lost. It's similar to drifting through space, with nothing around to clutch onto. We just watch everyone else form into their groups, and all we want is to be a part of it.
Many times though, a teen will but on a front, trying to get into the "cool" groups, the masses that everyone else seems to like. The problem with that is that more often then not is that they really don't belong there. I'm not saying that they aren't good enough to be in that group, just that they have different ideals then the rest of the group. But all teens care about is being accepted.
The world is a hard place, and with others to help you through it, it becomes just a slight bit easier. So why shouldn't they search for those people that they feel will help them? I remember when I was in that stage. I was always trying to make friends with the cool kids. I would try to do the things they did, listen to the music they did, even dress like them. But then I realized that the life they had wasn't the same as mine. They had things that I would never get to see. But you know what? As soon as I realized this and accepted the world and my life for what they truly were, my life began to become a little better.
I was able to flourish and become my own person. I took a stand for who I am and what I believe in. People got to finally know who I am. And that is the most important thing in the world. YOU need to be the one to define yourself. Don't allow the world depict you. Look to the stars with your eyes and head held high. The second you discover who you are is the second that you will finally begin to live.
Now, the journey may be scary for some. I knew it was for me. But I can honestly say that I have never felt better. I have grown to love myself! I hope that you also have found yourself and are able to love that person that is inside of you.
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